
08 октября, 2005

Dave Seaman - a follow up

Вот интересная информация о том как он делает миксы. Оказывается вообще без вертушек - все на компьютере, включая фазу сведения. Кроме того, есть ссылки на противостояние CD/винил. В очередной раз звучит мысль о большей тактильности винила. Люди уходят от винила только потому что он менее удобен, но признают при этом его большую тактильность. Очень жаль. SACD и DVD-A с правильными DAC'ами должны спасти нас от цифрового забвения. Фрагмент интервью из журнала DJMag:

"This is Audiotherapy", like my last Therapy Sessions CD was done on Ableton Live. All my previous mix CD's stretching back as far as Renaissance 4, (which was done on turntables!) had been done in Logic, but Ableton is a much more simplified way of doing things. Logic, although being a great sequencer for making tracks, is a little too intricate for doing mix CD's. It used to take up to two weeks to do a mix on Logic, but with Ableton the process has been more than halved. This is mainly due to Ableton's warp feature, making it so easy to edit and loop tracks on the arrangement page, which are two of the most fundamental aspects of doing a mix CD.

The quickest way to do a mix is obviously on turntables, but of course, it's the most restrictive creatively. And for me, there is so much more to the art of mixing than two turntables and a mixer. I have often had disagreements with the "CD's should be done live" purists, because it's such a pathetic argument. It's like saying all bands shouldn't do studio albums, they should only do live albums. Imagine if the Beatles hadn't done 'Sergeant Pepper's' and only given us 'Live at the Hollywood bowl'! Like any artist, if you want to see them cut it live, then go see them, but don't restrict their creativity in the studio, where they can express themselves on another level by utilizing technology. So to say it's cheating, is nothing short of ignorance. That is unless you literally just use the computer to do what you would do live.

I agree that DJing live shouldn't be done with a mouse. There is nothing more uninspiring and lifeless than watching a DJ who looks like he's doing his emails. Although, as always with technology, it will always find a way around the problem. I remember only a few years ago people saying that CD's would never replace vinyl because they simply were not as tactile. Then Pioneer gave us the CDJ1000 and signaled the beginning of the end for vinyl. This year has been the first time I have moved fully onto CD. I still buy vinyl because there's lots of stuff to that format, but then I record it to CD to take out DJing. It's just so much more convenient to carry CD's than records. Also it's so much easier to manipulate CD's with the loop functions and hot cues etc on the CDJ1000 which has now become industry standard just as the Technics 1200 is for turntables.

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