24 июня, 2007
Forever undefined
Pleasure and pain lost their sway over me. I was free from desire and fear. I found myself full, needing nothing. I saw that in the ocean of pure awareness, on the surface of the universal consciousness, the numberless waves of the phenomenal worlds arise and subside beginninglessly and endlessly. As consciousness, they are all me. As events they are all mine. There is a mysterious power that looks after them. That power is awareness, Self, Life, God, whatever name you give it. It is the foundation, the ultimate support of all that is, just like gold is the basis for all gold jewellery. And it is so intimately ours! Abstract the name and shape from the jewellery and the gold becomes obvious. Be free of name and form and of the desires and fears they create, then what remains?
Yes, the void remains. But the void is full to the brim. It is the eternal potential as consciousness is the eternal actual. Past, present and future - they are all there. And infinitely more.
When life and death are seen as essential to each other, as two aspects of one being, that is immortality. To see the end in the beginning and beginning in the end is the intimation of eternity. Definitely, immortality is not continuity. Only the process of change continues. Nothing lasts.
It is all a matter of focus. Your mind is focussed in the world, mine is focussed in reality.
I am beyond time. However long a life may be, it is but a moment and a dream. In the same way I am beyond all attributes. They appear and disappear in my light, but cannot describe me. The universe is all names and forms, based on qualities and their differences, while I am beyond. The world is there because I am, but I am not the world.
My mind is free of thoughts, for there are no desires to slave for. Your world is transient, changeful. My world is perfect, changeless. You can tell me what you like about your world - I shall listen carefully, even with interest, yet not for a moment shall I forget that your world is not, that you are dreaming.
My world has no characteristics by which it can be identified. You can say nothing about it. I am my world. My world is myself. It is complete and perfect. Every impression is erased, every experience - rejected. I need nothing, not even myself, for myself I cannot lose.
Mine is a non-verbal world. In your world the unspoken has no existence. In mine - the words and their contents have no being. In your world nothing stays, in mine - nothing changes. My world is real, while yours is made of dreams.
Even this talk is in your world. In mine - there is eternal silence. My silence sings, my emptiness is full, I lack nothing. You cannot know my world until you are there.
In your world I appear to live. To live, to die - what meaningless words are these! When you see me alive, I am dead. When you think me dead, I am alive.
My experience is that everything is bliss. But the desire for bliss creates pain. Thus bliss becomes the seed of pain. The entire universe of pain is born of desire. Give up the desire for pleasure and you will not even know what is pain.
Salvation is to see things as they are. I really do not see myself related to anybody and anything. Not even to a self, whatever that self may be. I remain forever - undefined. I am - within and beyond - intimate and unapproachable.