28 июня, 2007
A holy nation
And Moses went up to God: and the Lord called unto him from the mountain, and said:
- Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the
children of Israel: You have seen what I have done to the Egyptians,
how I have carried you upon the wings of eagles, and have taken you to
myself. If therefore you will hear my voice, and keep my covenant, you
shall be my peculiar possession above all people: for all
the earth is mine. And you shall be to me a priestly kingdom, and
a holy nation. Those are the words thou shalt speak to the
children of Israel.
27 июня, 2007
God is my shepherd
God is my shepherd, I shall not want.
God makes me lie down in green pastures,
and leads me beside still waters;
God restores my soul.
God leads me in paths of righteousness
for the sake of God's name.
Even though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for you are with me;
Your rod and your staff -
They comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the House of God forever.
Because you are my shepherd and I am your lamb.
26 июня, 2007
For in reality nothing is of value
My stand I take where nothing is; words do not reach there, nor thoughts. To the mind it is all darkness and silence. Then consciousness begins to stir and wakes up the mind, which projects the world, built of memory and imagination. Once the world comes into being, all you say may be so. It is in the nature of the mind to imagine goals, to strive towards them, to seek out means and ways, to display vision, energy and courage. These are divine attributes and I do not deny them.
But I take my stand where no difference exists, where things are not, nor the minds that create them. There I am at home. Whatever happens, does not affect me - things act on things, that is all. Free from memory and expectation, I am fresh, innocent and wholehearted. Mind is the great worker and it needs rest. Needing nothing, I am unafraid. Whom to be afraid of? There is only one Self, the Supreme Reality, in which the personal and the impersonal are one.
The very urge to achieve is also an expression of the total universe. It merely shows that the energy potential has risen at a particular point. It is the illusion of time that makes you talk of causality. When the past and the future are seen in the timeless now, as parts of a common pattern, the idea of cause-effect loses its validity and creative freedom takes its place.
For everything there are innumerable causal factors. But the source of all that is, is the Infinite Possibility, the Supreme Reality, which is in you and which throws its power and light and love on every experience. But, this source is not a cause and no cause is a source. Because of that, I say everything is uncaused. You may try to trace how a thing happens, but you cannot find out why a thing is as it is. A thing is as it is, because the universe is as it is.
When you are free of the world, you can do something about it. As long as you are a prisoner of it, you are helpless to change it. On the contrary, whatever you do will aggravate the situation.
Nothing of value can happen to a mind which knows exactly what it wants. For nothing the mind can visualise and want is of much value. All experience is time bound. Whatever has a beginning must have an end.
A day comes when you have amassed enough and must begin to build. Then sorting out and discarding are absolutely necessary. Everything must be scrutinised and the unnecessary ruthlessly destroyed. Believe me, there cannot be too much destruction. For in reality nothing is of value.
26 июня, 2007
Journey into unknown
I don't get flustered. I just do the needful. I do not worry about the future. A right response to every situation is in my nature. I do not stop to think what to do. I act and move on. Results do not affect me. I do not even care, whether they are good or bad. Whatever they are, they are - if they come back to me, I deal with them afresh. Or, rather, I happen to deal with them afresh. There is no sense of purpose in my doing anything. Things happen as they happen - not because I make them happen, but it is because I am that they happen. In reality nothing ever happens. When the mind is restless, it makes Shiva dance, like the restless waters of the lake make the moon dance.
Within the field of my consciousness there is my body also. Of course. But the idea 'my body', as different from other bodies, is not there. To me it is 'a body', not 'my body', 'a mind', not 'my mind'. The mind looks after the body all right, I need not interfere. What needs be done is being done, in the normal and natural way. You may not be quite conscious of your physiological functions, but when it comes to thoughts and feelings, desires and fears you become acutely self-conscious. To me these too are largely unconscious. I find myself talking to people, or doing things quite correctly and appropriately, without being very much conscious of them. It looks as if I live my physical, waking life automatically, reacting spontaneously and accurately.
Personality is merely a reflection of the real. Why should not the reflection be true to the original as a matter of course, automatically? Need the person have any designs of its own? The life of which it is an expression will guide it. Once you realise that the person is merely a shadow of the reality, but not reality itself, you cease to fret and worry. You agree to be guided from within and life becomes a journey into the unknown.
25 июня, 2007
To know is to be
Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.
Those who know only scriptures know nothing. To know is to be. I know what I am talking about; it is not from reading, or hearsay.
To realise the Eternal is to become the Eternal, the whole, the universe, with all it contains. Every event is the effect and the expression of the whole and is in fundamental harmony with the whole. All response from the whole must be right, effortless and instantaneous.
Reality can neither be proved nor disproved. Within the mind you cannot, beyond the mind you need not. In the real, the question 'what is real?' does not arise.
Non-distinction speaks in silence. Words carry distinctions. The unmanifested has no name, all names refer to the manifested. It is useless to struggle with words to express what is beyond words. Consciousness is spirit, consciousness is matter. Imperfect spirit is matter, perfect matter is spirit. In the beginning as in the end, all is one. All division is in the mind; there is none in reality. Movement and rest are states of mind and cannot be without their opposites. By itself nothing moves, nothing rests. It is a grievous mistake to attribute to mental constructs absolute existence. Nothing exists by itself.
Beyond the mind there is no such thing as experience. Experience is a dual state. You cannot talk of reality as an experience. Once this is understood, you will no longer look for being and becoming as separate and opposite. In reality they are one and inseparable, like roots and branches of the same tree. Both can exist only in the light of consciousness, which again, arises in the wake of the sense 'I am'. This is the primary fact. If you miss it, you miss all.
The world and the mind are states of being. The supreme is not a state. It pervades, all states, but it is not a state of something else. It is entirely uncaused, independent, complete in itself, beyond time and space, mind and matter.
It must be seen directly, by giving up all search for signs and approaches. When all names and forms have been given up, the real is with you. You need not seek it. Plurality and diversity are the play of the mind only. Reality is one.
25 июня, 2007
A touch of reality
Just as the taste of salt pervades the great ocean and every single drop of sea-water carries the same flavour, so every experience gives me the touch of reality, the ever fresh realisation of my own being. Ultimately all is experience. Whatever we think, feel, do is experience. Behind it is the experiencer. So all we know consists of these two, the experiencer and the experience. But the two are really one - the experiencer alone is the experience. Still, the experiencer takes the experience to be outside.
The duality is an illusion induced by the imperfection of the psyche. When the psyche is perfect, duality is no longer seen.
My life is a succession of events, just like yours. Only I am detached and see the passing show as a passing show, while you stick to things and move along with them.
Ultimately even the observer you are not. You are the ultimate potentiality of which the all-embracing consciousness is the manifestation and expression.
There is the "stamp of reality" on the actual, which the past and the future do not have.
What makes the present so different? Obviously, my presence. I am real for I am always now, in the present, and what is with me now shares in my reality. The past is in memory, the future - in imagination. There is nothing in the present event itself that makes it stand out as real. A thing focussed in the now is with me, for I am ever present; it is my own reality that I impart to the present event.
24 июня, 2007
Turning illusions into void
Being nothing, I am all. Everything is me, everything is mine. Just as my body moves by my mere thinking of the movement, so do things happen as I think of them. Mind you, I do nothing. I just see them happen.
I accept and am accepted. I am all and all is me. Being the world I am not afraid of the world. Being all, what am I to be afraid of? Water is not afraid of water, nor fire of fire. Also I am not afraid because I am nothing that can experience fear, or can be in danger. I have no shape, nor name. It is attachment to a name and shape that breeds fear. I am not attached. I am nothing, and nothing is afraid of no thing. On the contrary, everything is afraid of the Nothing, for when a thing touches Nothing, it becomes nothing. It is like a bottomless well, whatever falls into it, disappears.
I'm nothing for I'm real
Everyone who touches me, becomes nothing, for I am Nothing. I turn people into void, for I dissolve illusions into reality.
You are always the Reality. But your attention is fixed on things, physical or mental. When your attention is off a thing and not yet fixed on another, in the interval you are pure being. When through the practice of discrimination and detachment, you lose sight of sensory and mental states, pure being emerges as the natural state.
I speak of my experience as different from your experience, because you believe we are separate. But we are not. On a deeper level my experience is your experience. Dive deep within yourself and you will find it easily and simply.
24 июня, 2007
Forever undefined
Pleasure and pain lost their sway over me. I was free from desire and fear. I found myself full, needing nothing. I saw that in the ocean of pure awareness, on the surface of the universal consciousness, the numberless waves of the phenomenal worlds arise and subside beginninglessly and endlessly. As consciousness, they are all me. As events they are all mine. There is a mysterious power that looks after them. That power is awareness, Self, Life, God, whatever name you give it. It is the foundation, the ultimate support of all that is, just like gold is the basis for all gold jewellery. And it is so intimately ours! Abstract the name and shape from the jewellery and the gold becomes obvious. Be free of name and form and of the desires and fears they create, then what remains?
Yes, the void remains. But the void is full to the brim. It is the eternal potential as consciousness is the eternal actual. Past, present and future - they are all there. And infinitely more.
When life and death are seen as essential to each other, as two aspects of one being, that is immortality. To see the end in the beginning and beginning in the end is the intimation of eternity. Definitely, immortality is not continuity. Only the process of change continues. Nothing lasts.
It is all a matter of focus. Your mind is focussed in the world, mine is focussed in reality.
I am beyond time. However long a life may be, it is but a moment and a dream. In the same way I am beyond all attributes. They appear and disappear in my light, but cannot describe me. The universe is all names and forms, based on qualities and their differences, while I am beyond. The world is there because I am, but I am not the world.
My mind is free of thoughts, for there are no desires to slave for. Your world is transient, changeful. My world is perfect, changeless. You can tell me what you like about your world - I shall listen carefully, even with interest, yet not for a moment shall I forget that your world is not, that you are dreaming.
My world has no characteristics by which it can be identified. You can say nothing about it. I am my world. My world is myself. It is complete and perfect. Every impression is erased, every experience - rejected. I need nothing, not even myself, for myself I cannot lose.
Mine is a non-verbal world. In your world the unspoken has no existence. In mine - the words and their contents have no being. In your world nothing stays, in mine - nothing changes. My world is real, while yours is made of dreams.
Even this talk is in your world. In mine - there is eternal silence. My silence sings, my emptiness is full, I lack nothing. You cannot know my world until you are there.
In your world I appear to live. To live, to die - what meaningless words are these! When you see me alive, I am dead. When you think me dead, I am alive.
My experience is that everything is bliss. But the desire for bliss creates pain. Thus bliss becomes the seed of pain. The entire universe of pain is born of desire. Give up the desire for pleasure and you will not even know what is pain.
Salvation is to see things as they are. I really do not see myself related to anybody and anything. Not even to a self, whatever that self may be. I remain forever - undefined. I am - within and beyond - intimate and unapproachable.
23 июня, 2007
Inexpressible monolithic reality
I know there is a world, which includes this body and this mind, but I do not consider them to be more "mine" than other minds and bodies. They are there, in time and space, but I am timeless and spaceless. I am neither the potentiality nor the actualisation, nor the actuality of things. In my light they come and go as the specks of dust dancing in the sunbeam. The light illumines the specks, but does not depend on them. Nor can it be said to create them. It cannot be even said to know them.
Nothing happens to me. Everything just happens.
All the objects of consciousness form the universe. What is beyond both, supporting both, is the supreme state, a state of utter stillness and silence. Whoever goes there, disappears. It is unreachable by words, or mind. You may call it God, or Parabrahman, or Supreme Reality, but these are names given by the mind. It is the nameless, contentless, effortless and spontaneous state, beyond being and not being.
This state is entirely one and indivisible, a single solid block of reality. The only way of knowing it is to be it. The mind cannot reach it. To perceive it does not need the senses; to know it, does not need the mind.
All is a play in consciousness. All divisions are illusory. You can know the false only. The true you must yourself be.
There are the two - the person and the witness, the observer. When you see them as one, and go beyond, you are in the supreme state. It is not perceivable, because it is what makes perception possible. It is beyond being and not being. It is neither the mirror nor the image in the mirror. It is what is - the timeless reality, unbelievably hard and solid.
When you believe yourself to be a person, you see persons everywhere. In reality there are no persons, only threads of memories and habits. At the moment of realisation the person ceases. Identity remains, but identity is not a person, it is inherent in the reality itself. The person has no being in itself; it is a reflection in the mind of the witness, the 'I am', which again is a mode of being.
Energy comes first. For everything is a form of energy. Consciousness is most differentiated in the waking state. Less so in dream. Still less in sleep. Homogeneous - in the fourth state. Beyond is the inexpressible monolithic reality, the abode of the enlightenment.
23 июня, 2007
The world is mine
This is my world. This is my planet. And my planet rocks!
All there is is me, all there is is mine. Before all beginnings, after all endings - I am. All has its being in me, in the "I am", that shines in every living being. Even not-being is unthinkable without me. Whatever happens, I must be there to witness it.
I do not negate the world. I see it as appearing in consciousness, which is the totality of the known in the immensity of the unknown. What begins and ends is mere appearance. The world can be said to appear, but not to be. The appearance may last very long on some scale of time, and be very short on another, but ultimately it comes to the same. Whatever is time bound is momentary and has no reality.
What in your case occupies the entire field of consciousness, is a mere speck in mine. The world lasts, but for a moment. It is your memory that makes you think that the world continues. Myself, I don't live by memory. I see the world as it is, a momentary appearance in consciousness.
This world is illusion. But the illusion itself is real.
Is not the idea of a total world a part of your personal world? The universe does not come to tell you that you are a part of it. It is you who have invented a totality to contain you as a part. In fact all you know is your own private world, however well you have furnished it with your imaginations and expectations.
My world is just like yours. I see, I hear, I feel, I think, I speak and act in a world I perceive, just like you. But with you it is all, with me it is nothing. Knowing the world to be a part of myself, I pay it no more attention than you pay to the food you have eaten. I have eaten up the world and I need not think of it any more.
Whatever is spoken is speech only. Whatever is thought is thought only. The real meaning is unexplainable, though experienceable. The real is true, but ideas about real are false, for all ideas are false.
The undisturbed state of being is bliss; the disturbed state is what appears as the world. In non-duality there is bliss; in duality - experience. What comes and goes is experience with its duality of pain and pleasure. Bliss is not to be known. Bliss is to be. One is always bliss, but never blissful. Bliss is not an attribute.
22 июня, 2007
There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.
There is no God but Reality and every illusion is its manifestation.
No God but Reality and I am that.